No, the trauma did not make me stronger.
It did not add to my character. It did not make me kind.
Quite the contrary.
The trauma gave me trust issues, PTSD, nightmares and flashbacks. It gave me depression, anxiety, neurological issues. It led me to question everything, including my own ability to make decisions. It created fear, doubt and uncertainty. It made me more fragile and vulnerable to re-victimization. It paralyzed me, killed my dreams and hopes, and made me feel helpless, unloved and defeated.
It was I who that made myself stronger.
The trauma made me a warrior.
It was me, who dragged myself out of dark place each and every day. It was me who learned to deal with the consequences from the things I had no say in.
I didn’t have anyone to care for me, support me or be there for me. I was there for myself. It was me who rose each morning to care for my kids, love myself and do what was necessary to make it to the next day.