Sometimes, we all need to talk to someone without feeling like the words that come out of our mouth won’t be turned and reshaped into weapons that will hurt us later.
When you’re married, you should be able to open up and trust the very person you made a life commitment with.
And many people can do that. But not everyone… because I couldn’t do that, and I know countless others are likely in the same situation.
In the early stages, we may go from sharing too much to eventually clamming up when our spouse is around because we learn that it’s not safe to open ourselves up and talk.
If you are married someone with narcissistic patterns of behavior who cannot show any type of empathy, words spoken can be later used to vilify you later on in the relationship. As a result, you clam up and internalize your emotions and feelings, driving a larger wedge between you and your partner.
So you learn to shut up for self preservation – but that is not healthy.
You need to share and talk about good things and bad, get things out – be heard. And that progresses and builds for several years, further developing resentment towards your spouse. You feel unseen, unheard, and unloved. But you stay – because at this point, you have kids, shared finances, baggage…and you are so battered emotionally that you can’t envision living in anything other than the suffocating situation that you are in.
By year six or seven, you are so battered emotionally that you are afraid to say what you truly want. You disregard your feelings and the importance of your emotions which in turn gives your partner a sense of greater importance. It’s too late now to say what you want – after all, your words will be used against you so why even bother explaining yourself.
Narcissists can make you feel lonely
People with narcissistic patterns of behavior are emotionally vacant – they do not have an adult understanding of sharing, loving, giving. They are self-absorbed manipulators.
You feel lonely because you ARE alone. Their attitude is: what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is also mine.
They want you to be 100% in the relationship while they believe they deserve freedom. If anything, it’s completely “one-sided” – if they are giving anything positive (which they usually aren’t), it’s because they have expectations to get more.
This type of relationship could be compared to Parasitism – a form of symbiosis. Certainly it is a type of relationship but not in the terms that you would think a relationship to be..
A parasitic relationship is one in which one organism, the parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death. The parasite lives on or in the body of the host. (source)
Only you can determine whether it’s best to say in that type of relationship. Perhaps leaving is too difficult – shared finances, children… complexities of returning to a life that involves more strife having to do things on your own.
It is important to know that a parasitic relationship is not a real relationship. Certainly, you might be married on paper. But that type of relationship is far from true, genuine, all encompassing love found in a lasting partnership between a man and a woman.
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