Society tries to convince us that there is something wrong with being single, or single for a long time.
It’s bullshit.
You should avoid that kind of thinking because people who have this belief that they need to be in a relationship to be happy tend to get into relationships with the first person who shows any interest.
And that… is likely to get you into a relationship that you should have never entered into in the first place.
And of course, if you think that being single is bad, then you’ll probably try to stay in a bad relationship for as long as you can. Too many people stay in toxic, unhappy relationships purely because they can’t handle being alone.
Learn to be fine by yourself.
Learn to love being alone, because it is when you are alone that you discover the most about yourself.
It is when you are alone that you grow the most.
Learn how to spend time with others without being dependent on them for fulfillment in life, which in turn will allow you to one day choose the right partner for you.
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