Years ago, I took up hiking to alleviate feelings of depression. I’ve always thought of myself as not being like most people, and hiking was something I did to help me alleviate the feelings I had of not ever fitting in with the regular world.
When you work on raising your energy, you realize that you soon outgrow the people you once found comfort in. No longer did I feel a need to be around those I used to associate with.
Hiking and I go way, way WAY back – almost 15 years back. But this past few years we’ve connected on a deeper level.
I’ve covered a consistent 35-45 miles each week for the last 3 years. I’m proud to say that it is/has been life changing for many reasons:
Exercise is great for depression. Hiking is great because it’s exercise you can’t really quit. You have to keep hiking to get to your end destination. You can’t just quit when your car or truck are miles away. It forces you to, you know… keep going.
No matter how crappy you may think your life is, the beauty of nature is unyielding. There is something truly uplifting about seeing pretty landscapes.
Being out on the trail is so cathartic. And when I drive home from a hike I always feel so invigorated and so unbelievably happy no matter what situation I’m facing in my life.
Hiking well (prepared, knowledgeable, committed) is one of the best things anyone can do for their mental health.
Sometimes, I’ll get to the top of a beautiful hike marvel at how amazing I feel. I used to spend 60+ hours a week working in an office, filled with paperwork and tasks… this is a grand departure from that lifestyle. I’m poor as hell, but the trails have given me such a beautiful outlook on life.
My life has become rich in ways that material items could never compare to. I have 23,000 pictures of years and years of hikes, with my kids, in some of the most beautiful of landscapes known to man. All it required was a good pair of hiking boots, and my motivation to put one foot in front of the other.
And teach my kids to do the same.
I wish everybody could experience that pure, simple joy on a daily basis.
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