You certainly know those people that you just connect with so easily from the get go?
Yes: that person.
That person immediately makes you feel safe being in their presence. In fact, they bring out the most authentic side of you – you don’t even have to think about it.
You just need to exist and the connection is there.
They see you in the brightest light, just like you see them.
They share the same fears, worries, and desires you do. They enjoy doing many of the same things with you. You feel comfortable being around them, as if you have known them for years.
And when you are overwhelmed, you go to them. When you are tired, they help you relax.
When you are with them, you feel like you can ultimately be yourself.
These people are the special ones you need to hold on to. Be grateful that these people are in your life. They are hard to come by, and when they do, they’ll transform the way you think, act and see the world.
They are truly magical.
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