Why should you choose you? Because he never will.
What do a good guy and a bad guy have in common? Neither of them want a toxic woman.
A narcissistic person is going to pursue you because you are a GOOD woman.
Finding peaceful healing and growth after narcissistic abuse
Why should you choose you? Because he never will.
What do a good guy and a bad guy have in common? Neither of them want a toxic woman.
A narcissistic person is going to pursue you because you are a GOOD woman.
Broken people break people.
Hurt people hurt people.Read more
It’s not enough to have a man who loves you. Love is not the only basis of the relationship. Love is not the only thing that can solidify the relationship.
He loves you BUT… he makes you feel small.
He loves you BUT…he cheats.
He loves you BUT he wants you to be his mommy, his servant and his maid.
He loves you BUT he got a chick on the side.
He loves you BUT he can’t spend time with you.
Ladies – what the hell are you thinking? There are lots of men that can love. You can love BUT still not treat someone right! Loving someone BUT is not enough!
Find you a man that truly loves you AND….can truly BE a man!
Find you a man that loves you AND shows it.
Find you a man that loves you AND can be faithful.
Find a man that loves you AND can speak life into you.
Find a man that loves you AND can make your life better, not worse.
Find a man that loves you AND can love your children.
Find a man that loves you AND can communicate effectively.
Find a man that loves you AND can show up for you consistently – because if he can’t show up consistently now, he will never consistently show up later.
If you are going to find a man, find a man that can love you AND can do the other things. Because that’s what you deserve. Anyone else is not a man!
You deserve a man that can love AND… not a man that loves BUT those other things.
Not just any man. Find a qualified man.
Be a love, AND type of person.
Fake it ’till you make it…doesn’t work in a marriage.
Wives use husbands.
Husbands use wives.
A marriage that has any kind of infidelity isn’t a loving marriage. It’s a marriage of convenience.
Women will often times use men for money, or stability, protection, security or .. even image.
Men can and will do the same – they will also use women for security (especially if she makes more money), image, and status.
Oftentimes, after being with the same person for years, you get comfortable with the lifestyle you have. It’s not that you love the person you are with [especially if you have been unfaithful!] – it’s just that you are scared.
You are scared to start fresh.
You are scared of losing the financial security.
You are scared of tarnishing your image.
You are scared of what family and friends will say.
You are scared of the unknown.
You are scared that you may end up alone.
Or.. you are scared that you can’t do better.
So you reason with yourself…
You get the point – it’s all material based.
Status quo.
Sometimes, you cling to the hope that things will miraculously go back to the way they were when you first met and things were good, fresh, new. Living long enough and knowing enough people, I’m here to say – that never happens.
It might happen for a short, brief period. But it won’t stick. Once things go bad, they stay bad.
Sure, briefly you can force it and be happy, temporarily – however, it’s always usually short-lived.
If one person has been unfaithful in the marriage, then that person does not love their spouse. And more than likely, the spouse does not love that person either.
You can’t cheat on someone and yet profess your love for them.
And if you have been cheated on, you cannot accept being treat like a doormat from the one you love.
Love does not allow that.
Unless of course both of you are worried about your image. What will friends say? What will family say? Good glory, we can’t have that! We have to show that we are a happy couple without problems!
So one spouse usually starts a massive social media frenzy of happy couple pictures.
Which may, to those on the outside, very surface level happy. But those of us who are deeper, and more insightful, know that this is a cover-up for a larger, deeply rooted problem.
On the bright side, it’s only a matter of time before the relationship is over. One or both will have had enough and call it quits. You can “fake it” — and play happy… suddenly trying to magically fix it.
But it won’t truly work.
If you have to tell your spouse how you should be loved, then it’s doomed at that point. It’s a miserable life and you can only choose misery for so long. It will catch up to you and you will want better for yourself.
Chances are, you don’t want to leave [yet] because you have. your fears..
Perhaps you are insecure and you don’t think you deserve better
Perhaps… you suddenly have an epiphany and realize the err of your ways and suddenly claim to have changed your heart (<<<insert sarcasm here…>>>)
You can’t suddenly change your heart in one day after a multi-year affair.
Perhaps… you are like the rest of society and you are too latched onto what “things” you would lose (money, house, vehicles, etc) and so you continue to accept a substandard relationship for “stuff”
It could be one week, one month, one year or one decade – but it will not be happily ever after.
No matter how many social media posts you conjure up to proclaim your happy family..
No matter how much you continue to lie to yourself about everything being “okay”…
No matter how many excuses you tell yourself or how many discussions you have in your head about why it’s probably “better” to stay…
The truth is, you were unfaithful.
And you were unfaithful for a reason.
You can’t take that back.
My ex husband was unfaithful. He did not and could not love. For him, love was control, power, and validation. By cheating, he felt important. Cheating helped him feel wanted, needed and special.
I stayed. And I’ll admit, all the social media posts were nothing but a mask to cover up how I really felt. I did not love him. I did not stay with him out of love or compassion. I stayed because of image, finances and my Christian obligation.
But looking back, those were all. poor and highly inadequate reasons to stay.
And one day, I realized I was not going to lie to myself anymore. I knew my heart and my heart was NOT with him.
Fake it until you make it doesn’t work in a marriage.
She won’t beg for your time and attention.
The more you ignore her, the more she’ll get used to being ignored.
If you stop calling her, she’ll stop waiting for your calls.
If you stop sending her text messages, she’ll get rid of the habit of checking her phone every day.
The more you stay away from her, the more she’ll adapt to staying away from you.
And one day, she’ll learn how to live without you. And move on.
Beautiful is the man who doesn’t ignore the woman he cares about.
And a shoutout to the women who move as they so please, and do so unapologetically. To the women who ignore the outside “noise” and opinion of others. The women who understand their own assignment. Their own energy. Their own value. The women who will shake the room sooner than later.
I am too valuable to chase someone who does not know my worth and to keep waiting for someone who doesn’t acknowledge my value.
If a person wants to be part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. One should never, ever reserve a space in their heart for people who do not make an effort to stay.
Leaving my 18 year marriage was not a sign that I did not have a heart. I did have a heart. In fact, I had too big of a heart. I held onto that sh*t for far too long.
I wasn’t willing to play the charade of image.
I wasn’t willing to be miserable for the sake of finances.
I wasn’t scared to leave because deep in my heart, I knew I was strong enough to make it on my own.
I wasn’t willing to “make it work for the sake of the kids” – because it was more harmful for the kids to see betrayal and disrespect than it was to see their mother stand up for better treatment.
I wasn’t worried about what people would think of me. Who are they anyways? Family? Pfft. Friends? If they really are true friends, they’ll stick by you.
I checked out of that marriage mentally and emotionally years prior to my physical departure. I will not beg someone to love me. I will not beg someone to talk to me. I will not beg someone for time, attention and respect.
I will simply cut you off slowly, and methodically until one day I’m nothing but a faded memory.