All of us crave genuine love and affection at some point in time or other. We were created with a need to love and be loved. And as the years go by and break from childhood into the days of being an adult, the potential of spending your life with someone can be exciting.
This world is cruel – too cruel, to be honest. Just think about it – people constantly life to each other. They manipulate others, hurt others, end their lives, disappoint others, steal the hopes of others, and even go so far as to take others for granted. Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, there’s sorrow, dishonesty, bias, greed and pride.
The only thing we rely on is love – and the only thing that saves us from this mess we live in is pure, unconditional love. But in our search for that love, sometimes we settle for mediocrity.
Real love cannot be mediocre.
I don’t want a mediocre love.
I want a love that is out of this world.
I want someone who is thrilled at the thought of spending his life with me. I want someone who takes the time to see me. I want someone who knows with 100% certainty that I am the ONLY person for them.
I want someone who accepts who I am as an individual and falls for my flaws, embraces my weaknesses, and inspires me on every level.
Over 20 years ago, I settled for someone who wasn’t the right one.
When you settle for someone who isn’t the right person for you, you settle for a toxic relationship that will continually leave you feeling an absence of love. In other words, you will never feel truly loved.
Sadly enough, it’s easier to settle for that mediocre love. In most cases, we settle because we’ve gotten comfortable, and it’s just easier to stay than to leave the person you have spent the last few years with.
Why settle for mediocre?
One day, it changed. Instead of settling, and dealing with the monotonous day to day with this person, I decided I wasn’t willing to settle. I wasn’t willing to put up with mediocrity – and it was scary.
I refuse to be in a marriage that makes me anything less than fulfilled, happy, and content. I’m not content with mediocrity – and I definitely don’t want a mediocre love.
Settling for a mediocre love holds you back, not just from the perspective of happiness and fulfillment, but it holds you back from growing as an individual. Affection and dedication should come naturally in a relationship, not feel forced. You shouldn’t have to tell someone you need their time and kindness. You shouldn’t settle for someone who only belittles you and exploits you to feed their ego.
You shouldn’t settle for someone who forces you to walk on eggshells.
Most of all, you shouldn’t settle for someone who doesn’t light your soul on fire.
I want someone who isn’t afraid to show me their vulnerabilities.
I want someone who radiates love and makes me feel peaceful, and unbelievably happy.
I want someone who loves me from the bottom of their heart.
I want someone who feels lucky to have found me in a world like this because I certainly feel lucky to have found them in a world like this.
Life is too short and it moves too fast to settle for anything mediocre.
I want a love that fills my entire soul with light.