When a woman finally checks out emotionally — it’s over.
By the time a woman breaks things with you, you’ll be so oblivious to notice that she has been giving verbal hints over, and over and over – but the verbal hints have gone over your head. You’ll be so clueless that the very moment she leaves, you’ll say “Dang! She left so fast!”
Nope. Not one bit. In fact, she has been planning her departure well in advance. She just stopped saying stuff to you because that shit went right over your head.
When she is giving you the verbal hints that stuff needs to change, take heed.
Because the very second she stops giving those hints…
The very second she stops trying to make things work…
The very second she stops nagging at you for dumb shit…
The very second she stops caring about where you’re going and what you’re doing…
She has already done checked out emotionally. She stopped trying to get you to see the seriousness about the dum*ass shit you are doing.
You might even think your problems are done, resolved, things are better…. you might even tell your male friends that things are getting better because she stopped paying attention to you. She quit nagging at you and she lets you come and go when you please.
But.. that is when you should be the most worried. Because at that point, we’ve detached from you and we simply just do not care.
Let me say that again: We do not care.
We have been patient as hell, tried our best to guide you, given you too many chances – and if you don’t get it by then, that is on you. Our expectation is zero.
It is easy after that. Once we detach, there is NO coming back.
Nothing is a surprise by the time we leave, but men act like it came out of nowhere. At that time, the man scrambles to try to act right – but it’s too late, and we don’t care.
When a woman mentally checks out of the relationship, she gone bro.